React Cheatsheet

Props VS States

For attributes of the component that will not change within the application then use prop, otherwise use state.

Basic Component Structure

By extending from React.Component

{% gist lyc4n/0f72c94a2b790dc03f3aa8ece56411ce basic_react_component.es6 %}

By using React.createClass

{% gist lyc4n/0f72c94a2b790dc03f3aa8ece56411ce react_create_class.es6 %}

Component Lifecycle Methods


  1. componentWillMount - Can be used to fetch records from server via ajax
  2. render
  3. componentDidMount - Can be used to set timers that will fetch records


  1. componentWillUnmount - Can be used to clear timers previously set within componentDidMount and avoid memory leaks
