What blogs do I read?

 2017-04-14 00:00  |   Norly Canarias

A coleague (a younger dev) asks me what blogs do I read. I thought I'd answer with a blog post of my own and here it is. :facepunch:

I don't really have a set of tech blogs that I read on a daily basis. What I do is I subscribe on newsletters of weekly currated blog post and try do devote a time within the week where I browse them and take a look at those that interests me. That said, here are the newsletters that I am subscribed right now:

Aside from those, twitter also helps. Lots of open source contributors are active on it so I check twitter once in a while!

Oh, another thing. Aside from blogs, podcasts are also helpful. I remember I used to listen to Ruby Rogues and Giant Robots podcasts though I haven't been lately.

Thanks to the people behind those newsletter for keeping us well informed. If you're generous enough please buy them 🍻! That it, subscribe to those things above if you haven't yet. 😄