TIL: Coalesce in MySQL

 2016-09-08 00:00  |   Norly Canarias

If you look up the word Coalesce in the dictionary you would see the following:

  1. to unite so as to form one mass, community
  2. to blend or come together

In MySQL COALESCE() is a comparison operator that returns the first non null argument fed to it. This removes the need to use if statements in determining the value that has to be returned.


People Table

Id      Name       college    high_school      elementary
---     ---        ---        ---              ---
1       Juan       Univ A     HS A             Elem A
2       Pedro                                  Elem A
3       Dada                  HS B             Elem A
4       Pepito     Univ B     HS C             Elem B
5       Maria                                  Elem C

Say we have the People table and we'd like to see which school the everybody got their highest educational attainment. We execute the following statement wich uses COALESCE:

Select id, name, COALESCE(college, high_school, elementary) as highest_ed_school from people;

Then we get a result like:

Id      Name       highest_ed_school
---     ---        ---
1       Juan       Univ A
2       Pedro      Elem A
3       Dada       HS B
4       Pepito     Univ B
5       Maria      Elem C
