Checking if fragment caching works in development env

 2016-05-22 00:00  |   Norly Canarias

Lets say we have the following

{% gist lyc4n/5ffda03305ede3cd936cb9898112894e static_pages_controller.rb %}

{% gist lyc4n/5ffda03305ede3cd936cb9898112894e index.html.erb %}

Caching is disabled by default in Rails' development environment but if you want to see it in action you can turn it on and restart your server:

{% gist lyc4n/5ffda03305ede3cd936cb9898112894e development.rb %}

Then we just need to change values in our controller and then refresh to check and see if the caching worked.

{% gist lyc4n/5ffda03305ede3cd936cb9898112894e static_pages_controller_updated.rb %}

These cache values can also be changed throug the console, given that we know the hash key of the cached fragment which we can see in the server logs.


Here we can determine that the key for our fragment that we can use in the console is:

['welcome', 'f146f47a28c36ad4bca4e687f94ff78a']

So to change or read it's value while we are in the console we can do the following:

{% gist lyc4n/5ffda03305ede3cd936cb9898112894e console.rb %}
