Optimizing Images

 2016-05-04 00:00  |   Norly Canarias

When building a web app we cannot deny the fact that there would be need to present user with images and there are apps that require a lot of them. When using images we need to make sure it is optimized for the web. To do so we can use tools such as optipng and jpegoptim for png and jpeg images respectively.

First we need to install those packages. For ubuntu:


sudo apt-get install jpegoptim


  1. Download stable version from sourceforge
  2. Untar downloaded file and install
  3. sudo apt-get install optipng

Then we need to execute them on the files. Say we have png and jpg files in the folder called image-assets within the current directory we then have to execute the following:

for image in image-assets/*.jpg; do jpegoptim $image -f --strip-all --all-progressive; done

  • strip-all option removes metadata for the image which is not necessary for displaying it
  • all-progressive option lets the image load progressively meaning unlike the usual loading which is from top to bottom it will load the whole image and little by little adding the details.

for image in image-assets/*.png; do optipng $image -o7 -strip all; done

  • o7 optimizes the image on the scale of 7 (between 0 to 7 with default of 2)where 7 is the most optimized but the slowest especially for larger images.
  • strip all removes metadata from the image.
