Trying out Rails 5's Action Cable

 2016-02-27 00:00  |   Norly Canarias

Rails 5 has been on Beta since the last part of December 2015 and right now the latest is at 5.0.0.beta2.

Probably the greatest addition brought by Rails 5 is the built in usage of WebSockets through its new ActionCable framework. So, lets try to make something out of it!

First, make sure you have Rails 5 installed

{% highlight sh %} # As of today, this would instal version 5.0.0.beta2 gem install rails –pre {% endhighlight %}

Next, we could now create a new app. For this demo we'll be creating a Displayer App. It works as a live announcement board for the public and whenever a new information has been posted, the view for the public would automatically be updated. We'll skip spring as it has a bug right now(which according to @dhh, would be fixed before the official release of Rails 5). Then cd into our app's directory

{% highlight sh %} rails new displayer_app –skip-spring && cd displayer_app {% endhighlight %}

Now we'd like to create an announcement model with the following properties: content, marquee, background ,foreground and a key. Where content would be the main content of the announcement, marquee would be some other text scrolling at the bottom and you guess it right and yep text color and background color, and key as another unique property to identify from different announcement(id could be used here but we'd like it to be easily set by the user) since we would also want to be able to post and update multiple announcements realtime.

So lets create a model

{% highlight sh %} rails g model announcement content:text marquee:text foreground:string background:string key:string {% endhighlight %}

Then run our migration with

{% highlight sh %} rails db:migrate {% endhighlight %}

although the old rake db:migrate would still work, it would be removed in the future.

Then create controllers and views for index, show and new actions with the following generator:

{% highlight sh %} rails g controller announcements index show new create edit {% endhighlight %}

You probably noticed no update action? We'll let action cable take care of it this time. Now let us open the announcements_controller.rb and replace with the following:

{% highlight ruby %} class AnnouncementsController < ApplicationController before_filter :set_key_cookie, except: [:new, :create]

def index @announcements = Announcement.all end

def show attrs = {key: params[:key]}.merge(defaults) @announcement = Announcement.where("key like ?", params[:key]). first || end

def new @announcement = end

def create @announcement = Announcement.create(create_params) redirect_to announcement_path(key: @announcement.key) end

private def defaults { content: "Waiting…", marquee: "Hello from displayer_app", background: "black", foreground: "green" } end

def create_params params.require(:announcement).permit(:content, :marquee, :background, :foreground, :key) end

def set_key_cookie cookies[:announcement_key] = params[:key] end end {% endhighlight %}

and add the routes in config/routes.rb, notice we set param to :key, this is for us to generate route of announcements/:key instead of announcement/:id since we'll be using key rather than id.

{% highlight ruby %} root to: "announcements#index" resources :announcements, only: [:index, :show, :new, :edit], param: :key {% endhighlight %}

Next lets add some view

in app/views/announcements/_form.html.erb

{% highlight erb %} <% colors = %w(red green blue black white) %> <% color_options = %> <%= f.label :content %>
<%= f.text_area :content %>
<%= f.label :marquee %>
<%= f.text_area :marquee %>
<%= f.label :background %>
<%= :background, options_for_select(colors, f.object.background) %>
<%= f.label :foreground %>
<%= :foreground, options_for_select(colors, f.object.foreground) %>
<%- if action_name == 'new' %> <%= f.label :key%>
<%= f.text_field :key%>
<%- else %> <%= f.hidden_field :key%>¬
<% end %> {% endhighlight %}

in app/views/announcements/new.html.erb

{% highlight erb %}

New Announcement

<%= form_for @announcement, class: "new-announcement-form" do |f| %> <%= render partial: "form", locals: {f: f} %> <%= f.submit %> <% end %> {% endhighlight %}

in app/views/announcements/edit.html.erb

{% highlight erb %}

Edit Announcement

<%= form_for @announcement, class: "new-announcement-form", method: :put do |f| %> <%= render partial: "form", locals: {f: f} %> <%= f.submit "data-disable-with" => false %> <% end %> {% endhighlight %}

in app/views/announcements/index.html.erb

{% highlight erb %}


<% @announcements.each do |announcement| %> <%= announcement.key %> <%= link_to "Show", announcement_path(announcement) %> <%= link_to "Edit", edit_announcement_path(announcement.key) %> <% end %> <%= link_to "New announcement", new_announcement_path %> {% endhighlight %}

in app/views/announcements/show.html.erb

{% highlight erb %}

<%= render @announcement %>

{% endhighlight %}

in app/views/announcements/_announcement.html.erb

{% highlight erb %}

<%= simple_format(announcement.content) %>
<%= announcement.marquee%>

{% endhighlight %}

Now let us activate the ActionCable feature by uncommenting following codes


{% highlight coffee %} mount ActionCable.server => '/cable' {% endhighlight %}


{% highlight coffee %} @App ||= {} App.cable = ActionCable.createConsumer() {% endhighlight %}

We now have to create a channel with the following:

{% highlight sh %} rails g channel announcement {% endhighlight %}

This creates two files

  • app/channels/announcement_channel.rb

    This file will serve as the "controller" of the action cable which will receive events sent from the client, you would be needing to create different channels for different sub systems in the app but now we need only this one. Lets change it to the following:

{% highlight ruby %} class AnnouncementChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel def subscribed stream_from "#{current_announcement_key}_announcement" end

def unsubscribed # Any cleanup needed when channel is unsubscribed end

def announce(data) attrs = data['announcement_attrs'] Announcement.where(key: attrs['key']).first!.tap do |announcement| announcement.update_attributes(attrs.except('key')) end end end {% endhighlight %}

  • app/assets/javascripts/channels/

    This file contains client code that would call events in the announcement_channel.rb. In this case we'd call it upon the submission of the form. Lets update it as the following:

{% highlight coffeescript %} App.announcement = App.cable.subscriptions.create {channel: "AnnouncementChannel"}, connected: -> # Called when the subscription is ready for use on the server

disconnected: -> # Called when the subscription has been terminated by the server

received: (data) -> $('.announcement-container').html(data)

announce: (data) -> @perform 'announce', data

$(document).on 'submit', '.edit_announcement', (e) -> e.preventDefault() form = $( App.announcement.announce(announcement_attrs: { content: form.find('#announcement_content').val(), marquee: form.find('#announcement_marquee').val(), background: form.find('#announcement_background').val(), foreground: form.find('#announcement_foreground').val(), key: form.find('#announcement_key').val() }) form.find('input[type=submit]').attr('disabled', false) return false {% endhighlight %}

Next we'd have to set identified_by method in our ApplicationCable::Connection. We pass it a symbol for the name of the instance variable that we would use to identify which channel our connection should stream_from.

We would see its usage in app/channels/announcement_channel.rb.

So now lets head to app/channels/application_cable/connection.rb and update it:

{% highlight ruby %} module ApplicationCable class Connection < ActionCable::Connection::Base # This identified_by macro will set an attr acessor # for each of the symbols you pass in here. # Yes I meant you can pass multiple identifiers # here is the link to it's source if you'd like to check: # identified_by :current_announcement_key #, :current_user_id, etc..

def connect
  self.current_announcement_key = cookies[:announcement_key]
end   end end {% endhighlight %}

Now let us also update our Announcement class to automatically Broadcast whenever it gets updated:

{% highlight ruby %} class Announcement < ApplicationRecord after_update_commit { BroadcastAnnouncementUpdateJob.perform_now(self) } end {% endhighlight %}

And also let us create the Job. Putting the broadcast action into job makes the process non-blocking.

{% highlight sh %} rails g job BroadcastAnnouncementUpdate {% endhighlight %}

Then lets change app/jobs/broadcast_announcement_update_job.rb to this: {% highlight ruby %} class BroadcastAnnouncementUpdateJob < ApplicationJob queue_as :default

def perform(announcement view = ApplicationController.renderer.render(announcement) ActionCable.server.broadcast "#{announcement.key}_announcement", view end end {% endhighlight %}

Let as add some stylesheet to make the view a bit nicer:

{% highlight scss %} html, body, .announcement-container, .announcement-container > .announcement{ height: 100; }

body{ margin: 0px;}

.announcement{ text-align: center; font-size: 52px; padding-top: 40px; position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; font-weight: bolder; .marquee{ font-size: 25px; position: absolute; bottom: 10px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; left: 0px; right: 0px; border-top: 1px solid gray; } } {% endhighlight %}

And that's it for our app, to run it:

  1. Run the server with rails s
  2. Open http://localhost:3000/announcements/new
  3. Fill up announcement details (for now lets set the key to 'company')
  4. Submit the form, it would be directed to the announcment show page
  5. Open http://localhost:3000/announcements/company/edit in another tab
  6. When we submit the edit form, the previous tab gets updated!

Here's how it would look like:

Final output


ActionCable in Rails 5 is pretty straight forward. When you create a new app, some codes you need to enable ActionCable functions are just commented out:

  1. The cable webserver path in config/routes.rb
  2. The javascript initialization for the framework in app/assets/javascripts/

After those you would need to generate a channel with:

{% highlight sh %} rails g channel announcement {% endhighlight sh %}

The above creates 2 files:

  1. app/assets/javascripts/channels/

    • This contains the JS object that you can use to call actions from the channel in the web server
    • We usually use that JS object as callbacks to DOM events like to trigger a server method upon the submission of a form and also use the data returned by the server
  2. app/channels/announcement_channel.rb

    • It has default methods subscribed and unscubscribed
    • In subscribed method we set the channel to stream from via stream_from
    • We add custom methods in here that can be called from the client. These methods could contain save, update or any other operation
    • In custom method we can return the data back to the client with ActionCable.server.broadcast(channel_name, data), but broadcasting is not limited inside the channel class, it can also be called within an activerecord model or within a job to make it non blocking.

I'd like to add that another thing new in Rails 5 that complements action cable is the ability to render outside the controller with the following:

{% highlight sh %} # Given that announcement is an instance of Announcment class which is an active_record class # the following will render 'app/vies/announcments/_announcement.html.erb and store in in the view object view = ApplicationController.renderer.render(announcement) {% endhighlight %}

The sample app we used the above method to render and broadcast inside a Job class.

So thats it, ActionCable is a great addition into the Rails framework. 👊 🚀
